The second transnational meeting took place in Italy, on June 2017.


 During the meeting we worked on the following issues:

  • Overview of the first project period: planned/ implemented project activities.
  • Evaluation of the IO1:  evaluation of the results according to the IO2.
  • Evaluation of the communication among the partners.
  • Preparation of the IO2: preparation of the detail activities plan.
  • Dissemination activities carried out by each partner.
  • Preparation for the IO2 implementation: technical works, module structure, contents.
  • Definition of the partners responsibilities for the IO2 implementation.

In Turin we were hosted in the central venue of ENGIM Piemonte, a historical partner of Bluebook. The meeting was an opportunity to visit the VET providers central venue in the city, also sharing some future plan for the dissemination of the project. The transnational meeting in Turin has been an opportunity, for all the partners, to visit Turin: a wonderful city in the north of Italy.

The Second transnational meeting Turin

The Second transnational meeting Turin