The Me-commercer e-learning

Here is the link to go to the platform: an online training course that consists of six modules specifically tailored to provide the necessary information to become a supporter in e-commerce and web marketing for micro enterprises.

Me-commercer e-learning

e-learning platform open page

e-learning platform open page

A short description of the contents

The six modules are structured as follow:

  1. MODULE 1 outlines and deepens the context of reference of the course: the world of micro-enterprises in Europe.
  2. MODULE 2 outlines the global e-commerce framework and gives some hits on the framework in Lithuania, Italy, Czech Republic and Italy.
  3. MODULE 3 outlines an introduction to business models, an overview of the regulatory framework and payment systems, directions to understand the security systems necessary for data management, indications to choose the systems related to logistics and marketing plans.
  4. MODULE 4 outlines the framework of the tools to start an e-commerce activity: marketplace, platforms for online sales, drop-shipping.
  5. MODULE 5 outlines an overview of the communication tools that can be used to promote an e-commerce activity with a focus on social media and e-mail marketing. In addition the module outlines some analysis tools to measure the results of communication and promotion activities.
  6. MODULE 6 is entirely dedicated to the tools and practical indications to start a consulting activity in this sector, such as the skills and tools you need, such as strategies to promote yourself and your business.

Each module includes a section that presents case stories and a section of testing.

The results

As a result of the online e-commerce training course, four selected learners, one in each partner country, have been supported to start up or implement their own business activities, including activities of e-commerce. The following are the four organisations we supported.


 TISSU BY E&N is a product of young artist Erika. Lack of the unique home interior details inspired her to create it by herself and offer it to other potential clients. Today she offers tailor made handmade interior details – sitting bags, poufs and cushions. The main areas of her activity are sewing of finished furniture, consulting of clients, custom-made works and products for companies.

Erika started her economic activity as self-employed individual representing her products in the Facebook and Instagram. The increased number of customers encouraged her to look for the other possibilities to reach potential clients, represent the brand name professionally and synchronize e-marketing activities. She decided to launch her micro company in 2018. This step pas followed by e-shop implementation.

Erika’s background is design. She is a strong personality, eager to identify her weaknesses and look for the possibilities do develop her knowledge’s skills necessary to improve her business. It was one of the reasons for her to take a me-commercer training possibility.

As a result of the programme tutored experience Erika implemented the following steps:

  1. she made a business Canvas model to design the crucial element of the business;
  2. she participated in the local business supporting office courses to improve her knowledge’s for the business development;
  3. she reviewed and improved on-line marketing strategy due to the results of analytic tools;
  4. she reviewed and improved the logistic processes of her gods;
  5. she expanded the variety of the possible payment forms;
  6. she started the website to make their activities visible on the Internet;
  7. she presented her business as a speaker during the project multiplier event.


blu647 represents a group of young artists and artisans working together to design and make art and handicraft products, mainly using recycled or unusual materials. The group mission is to make life better for all using art as a medium of self expression. The goal is  to make business under the principles of social and economic sustainability. The group, that is composed of four people, is going to offer in the market paper products made from recycled materials, in-formal educational courses for children, elderly and disabled people and the works of young artists who will be hosted within the exposition lab in Turin. As a result of the tutored experience, the people of the team implemented the following steps.

  1. they made a business Canvas model to design the crucial element of the business;
  2. they contacted the local business supporting office to get their help in making a detailed business plan and to get a guidance to the business creation;
  3. they rented a venue in Turin to have a physical space to work in;
  4. they started the website to make their activities visible on the Internet;
  5. they opened an Instagram and Pinterest account to tell their story by pictures;
  6. they opened an Etsy shop to experience the e-commerce strategy;
  7. they fixed a calendar, including the promotional material for their first course to implement the activity range (not yet on line).

Czech Republic

Andělské květy is an art and handicraft shop that designs unique authorial decorations, mainly flowers and buds that serve as a stage property for photographers. The main material for the flowers is a special isolation foam sheet that is shaped into the flowers with the help of warm air. The owner of the business is an artist, immigrant from Ukraine, who just recently received the Czech passport and became a citizen of the Czech Republic. For these people it is hard to get a well paid job, regardless their qualification or education, therefore opening their of business appears to be the best option for making a living. During the piloting work experience under the supervision of the tutor from ProEduca, the following work in the enterprise promotion and implementation has been done:

  1. start-up business plan including the financial and sustainability parts;
  2. creation of the network of photographers in the South Bohemia region working with this kind of studio work;
  3. setting up and equipment of the workshop where the products (decorations) are being designed and created;
  4. creation of the website in order to present the products and their usability in different environments;
  5. opening of the Facebook account in order to create a community of interested people;
  6. preparation and the first run of advertisement campaign on Facebook in order to promote the products to the potential customers and to help the community creation
  7. participation at the “Wedding” fair to promote the craft and the business to a new circle of customer – the wedding organisers.



Creaarte is a student who is very interested in knowing the world of electronic commerce. He is a young person with many ideas and desire to undertake online, but so far he has no idea of ​​established business.

Having no an idea in particular, or a project started, he has been putting all this knowledge into practice through the projects that EXTREMANET had available.

In this way, he will be able to create his online business and take his ideas to the electronic market without any problem, once he knows how he wants to focus it. The knowledge he has put into practice has been:

  1. Ha has designed a Canvas model with his own ideas.
  2. How to create his own web page through the PrestaShop application.
  3. Create a custom web page.
  4. He has learned how to make corporate videos to drive a company.
  5. He has implemented the insertion of different payment methods in an online store.
  6. He has managed, in the first person, the introduction of a company on, knowing the complete procedure.